

Rock-paper-scissors (sometimes spelled roshambo) is a popular two-person hand game.

The objective is to select a gesture which defeats that of the opponent. Gestures are resolved as follows:

- Scissors cuts Paper; scissors wins.

- Paper covers Rock; paper wins.

- Rock crushes Lizard; rock wins.

- Lizard poisons Spock; lizard wins.

- Spock smashes Scissors; Spock wins.

- Scissors decapitates Lizard; scissors wins.

- Lizard eats Paper; lizard wins.

- Paper disproves Spock; paper wins.

- Spock vaporizes Rock; Spock wins.

- Rock crushes Scissors; rock wins.

If both players choose the same gesture, the game is tied and played again.

This version supports single and multiplayer modes. Multiplayer mode only works over a local WiFi network connection against another player with an iPhone or iPod touch.

Options include the ability to choose from three different gesture image sets: hands, pictures, text.